When thirteen-year-old Taya’s beloved grandfather dies, she sets out on a mission to find his old friend. Her journey to Mister Bo holds many surprises, and she discovers that once they meet – the adventure has only begun. Partnering with Mister Bo, Taya has a unique opportunity to grasp the hope she desperately seeks, but the answer to the life-changing decision she must soon make isn’t as simple as it seems.
“This is the third book I’ve read by Dan Nimak, and he never disappoints. From the first book I read by this author, I was thoroughly impressed. The character development is always on point. The reader can easily get to know the characters gradually layer by layer. The depth of emotion is authentic, and the flow of the dialogue and the dialogue itself are so beautifully written with such passion that even the words I’m using to describe it aren’t decent enough to describe it. Taya will break your heart as well as the other characters, but believe me there are funny moments, too. True to life. Even the descriptions of time and setting have emotion with an atmospheric undertone. Such a heartfelt work of art just like his previous books. Dan Nimak knows how to write a masterpiece. Anything he’s written so far that I’ve read is pure gold. Highly recommended!” – Amazon reviewer
“The way you tied everything together in the end worked brilliantly. You’ve done exactly what a travel story requires: given us seemingly random adventures that build and tie together into something thematically poignant.” – Rochelle Deans (freelance editor)
“A truly heartwarming story about a little girl lost who finds her way!” – Amazon reviewer
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